Tax and Legal
In this note, the term “user” refers to anyone accessing the Website and its contents. The contents (data, information, illustrations, images, logos, trademarks, etc.) that are featured in or available from the Website are protected by copyright in accordance with the provisions of international agreements and Italian law. All and any full and/ or partial copying, reproduction, representation, adaptation, alteration, adjustment, dissemination of the Website contents is strictly prohibited. The contents of this Website may be changed without notice. They are made available to users for information only and are not complete nor intended to provide any kind of fiscal, tax or legal opinion nor any other type of professional consultancy. The contents can also not be considered as provided for commercial or contractual purposes. Gusmitta & Associati refuses all liability with regards to actions or omissions based on the use of the information and contents of this website. Gusmitta & Associati may not in any case be considered liable for any damages connected with the user’s consultation or use of the website and its content. Hypertext links may direct the user to third party websites over which Gusmitta & Associati has no control. The contents supplied by third parties and made accessible from this website must not be considered as specifically or implicitly approved by Gusmitta & Associati, which refuses all liability deriving from their consultation and use. This website uses cookies to improve its function and performance. By continuing to browse the website, the user implicitly consents to their use.
Competent Court
Any dispute relating to the Website, its contents and use shall be submitted to the essential and exclusive competence of the Judges of the Court of Milan, with application of Italian law only. Use of the Website means that the user accepts this clause.