Tax and Legal
Patrizia Arba
She has been collaborating with Studio Gusmitta & Associati since 2005, she is Head of the Corporate Secretary’s Office. She is specialized in corporate law, where she has gained several years’ experience in consultancy involving all phases of corporate life since incorporation. Specifically, she assists companies in preparing and amending Articles of Association, drawing up corporate body resolutions both in Italy and abroad, and in general in all corporate aspects related to ordinary and extraordinary business management. She also assists companies in performing periodic corporate requirements, and in particular documents to be filed with tax offices, Courts, Chambers of Commerce and local authorities.
Foreign languages spoken: French, English.
Melissa Borghi
She has been the Manager of the Accounting and Budgets Area for Studio Gusmitta & Associati of Milan since 2001. She boasts twenty years of consolidated experience in accountancy and all related tax requirements. She has excellent organisational and structural skills in handling accountancyand tax-related administrative matters and all issues relating to tax in general. More specifically, she has acute knowledge in the field of accounting administrative assistance and regular reporting for companies, local branches or permanent establishments of foreign holding companies. She has accrued specific knowledge in the field of group VAT, in preparing consolidated financial statements and in fulfilling the procedures for requesting national and international VAT refunds.
Foreign languages spoken: English.
Almira Capasso
She has been collaborating with Studio Gusmitta & Associati since 2001, mainly providing tax consultancy for natural persons with specific reference to the taxation of expatriates and double income taxation. She has accrued consolidated experience in tax consultancy for Italian and foreign companies operating in the chemical industry, in the production of goods and services and the real estate sector. She graduated in Economics and Corporate Legislation from Luigi Bocconi Commercial University.
Foreign languages spoken: French, English.
Guido Colombo
He has been working with Studio Gusmitta & Associati since 2007. He has considerable experience advising on accounting and VAT issues, nationally and internationally. He has specific expertise in economic, financial and actuarial evaluation methods and techniques, as well as many years of experience in the use of ERP/SAP management systems. He has a degree in Economics and Business. He is a member of the Order of Chartered Accountants of Milan and of the Register of Auditors.
Foreign languages spoken: French, English
Alessandro Giacomelli
He joined Studio Gusmitta & Associati in 2020. He has considerable experience in ordinary and extraordinary corporate and tax advice for companies belonging to national and multinational groups. He assists taxpayers in managing tax disputes, both out of court and in front of the tax courts.He holds a degree in Economics and Business Legislation from Luigi Bocconi University, as well as a master’s degree in tax litigation. He is a member of the Order of Chartered Accountants of Milan and of the Register of Auditors.
Foreign languages spoken: English
Silvana Iungo
She began collaborating with Studio Gusmitta & Associati of Milan back in 2009, providing consultancy on HR administrative and organisational matters, employment and welfare law, management of disciplinary proceedings and individual employment disputes, for Italian and multinational companies. The professional experience she has acquired has led her to accrue extensive knowledge on how to handle administrative and managerial issues relating to employment contracts, the carrying out of due diligence in connection with corporate operations and how to search for the very best practical solutions to suit different company contexts. She graduated in Economics and Business, submitting an experimental thesis on employment law. She is a member of the Order of Labour Consultants of Milan.
Foreign languages spoken: French.
Luigi Mastellone
He has been working with Studio Gusmitta & Associati since 2018, advising and assisting Italian and international companies with human resources, labour and social-security law, management of disciplinary proceedings and individual labour disputes. He is experienced in managing individual and collective labour disputes and reconstruction of contractual and social-security positions, acting as Expert appointed by the Courts or by the parties. He holds a degree in Jurisprudence from the University of Padua and is a member of the Order of Labour Consultants of Venice.
Foreign languages spoken: English, French.
Veronica Mariani
She has been working with Studio Gusmitta & Associati since 2009, where she is in charge of the Legal Entities Income Tax Returns Area. She has strong organisational skills and deep experience in preparing tax returns and managing all the related tax obligations. She has built up specific expertise in applying optional tax schemes, such as tax consolidation and tax transparency, in addition to tax and accounting consultancy more generally for Italian and international companies operating in a wide range of sectors, from manufacturing to services, as well as in the real-estate sector. Three-year undergraduate degree in Economics and Business.
Foreign languages spoken: English
Mirella Sala
She joined Studio Gusmitta & Associati of Milan in 2005. She can now claim many years of experience in the preparation of statutory and fiscal financial statements, reports and notes to the statements and reports on operations for Italian and multinational companies. She also provides tax appraisals and consultancy, after having accrued consolidated knowledge of the preparation of tax declarations (VAT, IRES, IRAP) and business tax resolving.